Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Book Review & Weather Links

As Calder and I began studying about weather last month, our conversations began to touch on particles and elements and chemistry. I figured it was time to introduce the periodic table. I found this book on Amazon and decided to order, not sure whether Calder would take to it. Well, it soon was what he read when he went to bed, read when he woke up at 6am, read in the car, and read during the day on the sofa. Already during its short stay at our house, its pages are crinkled and lovingly worn.

The Periodic Table: Element with Style by Adrian Dingle and Simon Basher.

The fun anime-like illustrations captured Calder's attention, and he enjoys the silly, yet informative, descriptions written about each element. He is motivated, in part, to learn about the elements because I told him once he learned basic information (atomic number and symbol) then he could play the elements card game I also ordered from Amazon.

Soon he assigned us all with an element according to our ages. He is carbon. "I'm everywhere!" Calder exclaimed. Yes, you are, my son, yes, you are. Johns is helium, "I hope he doesn't float away, Mommy!" I'm arsenic--but I promise not to use my powers for evil. Don't worry.

I hope everyone has stayed dry during all the rain. What a time for Calder to use his rain gauge! We began studying clouds this week and actually enjoyed some sunshine today and a variety of clouds in the sky--even saw "mackerel sky!" The following weather websites for children have been great to engage Calder: Web Weather for Kids and Weather Wiz Kids. Each lists various weather experiments, and Web Weather for Kids has interactive games, quizzes, and illustrations--Calder loves these.

I wish I could post more frequently, but life lately has been so full. But chime in anytime here in the comments or let me know if you would like to guest post. My email is in my profile info.

Happy teaching, advocating, and nurturing!

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