Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Nines!

We are all about today's date around these parts. 09-09-09, Calder loves it. In the spirit of this once-in-a-century occurrence, here are nine things I love about having a gifted child:

  1. When I forget how many cups of flour I put into the bowl, Calder always knows because he is always counting.
  2. I have a joke buddy to laugh with me when the other kids don't see what's so funny.
  3. What's that phone number again? He remembers it.
  4. He develops games to play with his sister that include stuffed animals, a laundry basket, a Magna Doodle, and a sophisticated scoring system.
  5. I always know the weather forecast for the day and each day for the following week--including each day's highs and lows in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  6. There is actual truth in that dreaded claim "well, all parents think their child is gifted." Yeah, I do and he is.
  7. I'm re-learning things from school and learning new things I never thought I would.
  8. We were more likely to be found "playing math" than playing Candyland when he was a toddler.
  9. He has a curiosity that inspires me to be more curious.

1 comment:

  1. Of course he would see the interesting date. Smarty pants!
