Friday, July 31, 2009

A Proper Introduction

Wow! The response to Georgia's Gifted Child on the first day leaves me speechless! But, really, I'm not so much at a loss for words that I can't talk about myself some. Ha! Thank you so much for stopping by--and those who have commented, many thanks to you. It is thrilling to think that there are people in my own backyard who are experiencing their own version of this journey, too. I figured I should introduce myself properly before we continue.
I am Angela, a thirty-something stay-at-home mom who is trying to find her way. In my dreams I am selling my original paintings while perfectly balancing the joys and responsibilities of motherhood. In we want to go there? I am a frustrated passionate artist with little studio time and a frustrated passionate mother with little patience. I share this life with my longsuffering and loving husband CG of 13 years.
We have three children: Calder, 6; our daughter Lee, 4; and the bebe Johns, almost 2. So far the younger two don't exhibit the same unique abilities as Calder. Lee and Johns seem to be...normal, whatever that means! But we draw no distinctions here at our house--however, we are not above exploitation when it is to our benefit. Such as, "Calder, read Lee and Johns this book while I finish dinner, please." For the most part we are your normal chaotic family with young children who love to tattle on each other: said Lee today, "Mommy, Calder is chewing with his food full of mouth!" And, that, my friends, is when I love being a mom to a 4-year-old. I've been chuckling about that quotable all day.
Many thanks to Dr. Spomenka Newman, a wonderfully knowledgeable and gentle children's psychologist, for the idea of this blog. My personal experience with her made the difference between desperation and renewed hope and energy for Calder's future. She is a gem.
Now, what about you? There are great comments in the first post--anyone want to share more? And, if you wish to contact me privately, click on my profile on the right for a link to my email.

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