Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gifted Blog Links

There is a lot to read out here on the Internet about gifted children and their education. Here are a few links to helpful blogs on the subject.

Follow David Shenk's blog on The Atlantic's website as he explores genetics, talent, and giftedness.

Finally, I would recommend joining the BrightKids discussion group, if you aren't a member already. It is a parent-to-parent forum for inspiration, advice, and information.


  1. Hi there,
    Just now catching up to this blog and am so THRILLED that you're the one taking charge and getting it going (not a surprise!) I too have an older son that is gifted and talented and with all of us parents, it's both wonderful, scary and a challenge. I look forward to keeping up with you and to scouring through this new wonderful blog, as well as chiming in with my own experiences etc. Take care and thanks for heading this up for all of us!!!

  2. Thank you, Gina! Glad you are here reading. :)
