Friday, August 14, 2009

Saturday School

Has everyone been busy getting ready for school and homeschool like me? I didn't mean to take such a long break here, but I'm squeezing in travel amid school preparations before classes begin on August 24. I'm excited about homeschool this year after my practice run last year.

Does anyone here have experience with the Saturday School for Scholars and Leaders through Georgia State University? Calder attended one of their camps this summer at the Lawrenceville campus, taking the Simple Machines class. I assume he enjoyed it as he described it as "good," his usual one-word answer to "so, how was it?" Sometimes I can't get him to stop talking for a second and other days it is nearly impossible to extract even primal grunts from him!

The classes this fall at Saturday School sound fun. Registration deadline for the first round of fall class is August 21 or 28--I read the two different dates on their website. I'm not sure which is correct; either way, it is soon!

If your child has attended Saturday School in the past, could you share your experience here?

Also, Robin shared in the comments of the last post additional enrichment links: Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development and Renzulli Learning. Check out her comment for more information. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. My children have attended many of these classes. Some were better than others but, for the most part, they were worth the trip. My son took a class that allowed the students to dissect at a very early age. I cannot remember the woman's name, but she was great. He also took a "Claymation" class from Mary Cincotta-Smith that was fantastic. The children had to work together and merge all their creative ideas and she seemed to really understand how difficult that was. There were several others involving computers that he enjoyed. My daughter really enjoyed the summer camp there.

    Please note, though, entrance into the Saturday School is based on achievement tests as well as IQ tests. This is kind of a pet peeve of mine especially in the younger ages.
